Katherine Akey (USA, 1989) is an artist based in San Francisco, CA. Her work addresses adventure, conflict and the negative space in personal and collective memory with a focus on polar exploration and the first world war.
Her practice includes photography, printmaking, fiber arts, and creative writing. She holds an MFA from the International Center of Photographhy, was a Fellow with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, and teaches photography and art theory.
«In my walks and talks with Manu, I found myself refreshed. The experience was illuminating in dusty corners, a jolt that allowed me to revisit old works long neglected, a cross-pollination resulting in joyous conversation. We encountered so many moments of coincidence, of shared interest, of rediscovery: rediscovery of books on our shelves, of stories once forgotten, of passions left to lie. It was stimulating and, maybe most importantly, fun. How often do we as creatives forget to have fun?»