Dina Abdul Karim
walk & talk —

Dina Abdul Karim is a visual artist currently living in Los Angeles and working with painting and collage. Her practice investigates the notion of home, comparative identity, and urban dwelling. The work speaks about these issues from critical contemporary perspectives in architecture and urban design but is also in relation to the ties that connect Dina’s Middle Eastern and North African heritage with her current home.
After receiving training in architecture, urban design, and city planning, Dina Abdul Karim completed an MFA at California Institute of the Arts in 2015.  She is Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California, and co-founder of The City at 3 Miles Per Hour, which brings urban exploration and intergenerational play to cities.

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«During the WALK & TALK residency, Emily Moores and I talked about colors, patterns, decorations, and glitter, and the associations these materials bring to the interpretation of the artwork. In fact, these materials also influence how the artist’s identity is viewed. High-brow, low-brow, and decorative arts are all distinctions triggered by using certain motifs, fabric, and paper. This is often part of a long social, economic, and cultural history through which these associations were shaped and institutionalized.»