Anna Pogossova
bonfire —

Anna Pogossova (Australia, 1984) is a photo media artist based in Sydney, whose work is concerned wit mythologies of objects and semiotics of fiction, through a variety of mediums including photography and sculpture. Anna sees the act of image-making as a kind of soothsaying, where cultural references have the ability to recall the past into different context, and collapse time into new, speculative futures. Fabrication fulfils its double meaning, as both production and make-believe.

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«A visual meditation on interconnected thoughts, ideas and discoveries I explored over the course of the residency; from the mythological origins of the spinning wheel and the thread as markers of time and destiny, to the invisible meshes of electromagnetic waves, which broadcast radiation echoes of the Big Bang through the channel static of analogue TV’s».

Excerpt from collection of artist's horoscopes between 2011-2012.
Artifact from The British Museum (digital) collection. Possible use as a spindle whorl.
RheinMain University and State Library digital manuscript (front cover). The Wiesbaden Codex (“Riesencodex“, or “chain codex”) is the most significant legacy of the mystic Hildegard of Bingen (1097/8-1179) containing her collected works including accounts of religious revelations.
Digital manuscript page: The Wiesbaden Codex, Hs.2 of the Hessische Landesbibliothek, Wiesbaden, is a codex containing the collected works of Hildegard of Bingen. It is a giant codex, weighing 15 kg and 30 by 45 cm in size.