There are very few things in life like fire, historically a social nexus and center of rites and celebration. We give our project the name of BONFIRE in relation to the power this construction has for bringing people together and offering them a comfort space. It doesn’t matter the cultural background, campfires have always been a point for paths to meet, a warm and sacred moment where family members, friends or strangers stopped in order to contemplate the flames, feel the magic and exchange words and hopes.

BONFIRE is an initiative of LEMOS + LEHMANN, the artistic duo formed by Pat Lemos (Spain) and Lukas Lehmann (Germany). Together, we coordinate the platform and host the online AiR programs. We hold a BA in Fine Arts and work actively as visual artists and cultural agents. Both of us have always been attracted by the collective, the encounter with others and the creative exchange. This has led us to carry out work-camps and artist residencies worldwide, also to co-found and manage our own cultural space and artist residency in Valencia, Spain (La Envidia Casa Taller). We have worked as teachers and art monitors in various fields both in private schools and institutions or European programs. Experience that has given us multiple tools to accompany and work with groups of different ages and contexts.

BONFIRE is the product of our journey and our infinite desire to promote the encounter and artistic dialogue. A proposal that is currently being developed in the virtual space, inviting you to discover new forms of communication, inspiration and coexistence.

We are open to partnerships, proposals and support so do not hesitate to contact us if you wish!
Any kind of art is about the power to connect.
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